Description: This report shows the listing of active teachers within your district (including the building that they are teaching in). 

Location of Report:, from the Menu select Reports -> Building Reports, under the Program/Course Reports section.

Explanation of Columns:



Report Top Left Header

Indicates the School Name.


Name of the course instructor.


Course Section Code (CSC) uniquely identifies a course within a building.

Cip Code Classification of Instructional Program(CIP) Code. Indicates classification of material taught in program.
Staff Role

The course instructor's role is indicated as follows:

a.    Primary — The instructor who is responsible for developing the lesson plans for and teaching the course. This person must have a teaching certificate and needs to be vocationally certified.

b.    Additional F/T (Full-Time) — Any teacher, aide, or paraprofessional who assists with instruction for the entire duration of the session.

c.    Additional P/T (Part-Time) — Any teacher, aide, or paraprofessional who assists with instruction for part of the session.

d.    Secondary F/T (Full-Time) — An additional teacher who assists with instruction for the entire duration of the session and who has a teaching certificate and vocational certification.

e.    Secondary P/T (Part-Time) — An additional teacher who assists with instruction for part of the session and who has a teaching certificate and vocational certification.