Description: This report shows the list of students with misisng gradeslist of students with missing grades.

Location of Report:, from the Menu select Reports -> Building Reports.


Current Year Missing Grades Report


Explanation of Columns:




Career Education Planning District (CEPD) number. The district in which the student is enrolled.

Fiscal Agcy 

Name of the Fiscal Agency.

Oper. Agcy

Name of the Operating Agency.

Oper. Bldg

Students' building in which the student is enrolled from.
Course Section Code Course Section Code (CSC) uniquely identifies a course within a building.
PSN Program Serial Number (PSN). System-generated unique identifier for a local program.


Unique Identifier Code (UIC) is a unique 10 digit number used to identify a student. Used to match CTEIS Data to MSDS.

Student Name

First name and Last Name of the student taking a CTE course as it appears on a birth certificate, legal document, or enrollment form presented at time of enrollment.

Enter Date

Indicates the date a student enrolled in a program.

Exit Date

Indicates the date, at the end of the semester / Trimester, that a student left the program.