Description: This report will display the CPI values broken out by special population. This report will show in a tabular form the CPIs for each Special Population category dis-aggregated as indicated.

Location of Report:, from the Menu, select Reports and then select Year End Reports. Select Area Totals by Special Populations.

How to Run the Report: Select the Operating Building and then select the Report Parameters as per your requirement. Click Launch Report to create your report.





Explanation of Program Descriptors, Rows, and Columns

Heading Description
CEPD Number

A 2-digit code that identifies the Career Education Planning District in which the CTE program is located.

Fiscal Agency A 5-digit district code and name that identifies the fiscal agency of the CTE program.
Operating Building a 5-digit code and name that identifies the district that operates the CTE program.
CIP Code Classification of Instructional Program Code – a 6-digit code assigned to each CTE program. (The CIP Code appears in parenthesis.)
CIP Name Identifies the program name that the CIP Code represents.
Core Performance Indicator The category for which the totals are generated.
Disability Status(ESSEA/IDEA) (HAND) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are handicapped and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Economically Disadvantaged (ECON) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are economically disadvantaged and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Single Parents (SP) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are entered as a single parent and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Limited English Proficient (LEP) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are entered as Limited English Proficient and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Migrant Student (MIG) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are entered as Migrant and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Non Traditional Enrollees        (NON TRAD) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are Non Traditional students and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Tech Prep The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are in a tech prep program and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Out of Workforce (OWF) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are out of workforce and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Foster Care (FOSTER) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are in foster care and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Military (MIL) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are in the military and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.
Homeless (HOMELESS) The total number of students (numerator and denominator) that are homeless and are qualified ( ? ) for that category.