Career & Technical Education Follow Up Report: Education by Employment Comparison XO611

Location of Report:, from the Menu, select Reports and then select Follow Up Reports.
Data Available from: FY 2008 onwards
Data Cycle: Annual (typically available in October each year)

What does the XO611 Report Contain?

The XO611 also known by the term "Education by Employment Comparison" provides a snapshot of what happened to former high school students who (1) completed a career and technical education program, (2) were in 11th or 12th grade the previous spring, and (3) responded to the Follow Up Survey eight to ten months after completing their program.
This report breaks down both education and employment according to whether it is "related" or "unrelated" to the secondary CTE program. Students who answered that they use the skills they were taught either "a lot" or "some" were categorized as in "related" continuing education or employment. Students who answered that they use the skills they were taught "hardly ever" or "not at all" were categorized as "unrelated" continuing education or employment .Only student respondents, not proxy respondents provided information on "relatedness" of continuing education or employment. Students who completed more than one CTE program in high school answered the questions in relation to the program they were pursing most. A student could be in continuing education related to the secondary CTE program and also be employed in a job related or unrelated to the CTE program. This report shows this breakdown. In addition, employment is broken down as full-time (FT), Part-time (PT) or hours unknown with full-time employment defined as working 35 hours per week or more.

Who is a completer?

To be identified as a completer, the student will have completed, with a grade of 2.0 or better, course sections which covered all 12 segments (and taken the state technical skill assessment, where applicable).
Segments refer to a group of content standards delivered in a CTE program.
A CTE program is defined as a sequence of courses. Students enroll in "course sections" which are uniquely defined by:

  • Time of year (fall semester, 1st trimester, 1st quarter, etc.)
  • Time of day (1st hour, 1st period, 1st block, etc.)
  • Minutes per week (example: instruction provided for a 2 hour block 5 days per week = 600 minutes per week)
  • Number of weeks (example: 1 semester = typically 18 weeks)
  • Instructor
  • Content (defined by standards which have been grouped into segments)

The completer designation is determined prior to Follow-Up Survey and cannot be changed at the time of the survey.

How does the XO611 work?

The X0611 report comes in five levels:

  1. State
  2. Region
  3. CEPD
  4. Fiscal (By CEPD)
  5. Building (By CEPD)

The local district level has two versions, fiscal agency (d) and building (e). To know which level you have, look in the upper left corner of each page. You will find "STATE" or "REGION XY" or "CEPD XY."
The five different "levels" that are available can be grouped within three groups. The three groups are:

  1. Fiscal (All 5 levels)
  2. Pathway (3 levels only; State, Region, and CEPD)
  3. CIP Code (All 5 levels)

Because of the complexity of the information provided, each report only displays the information specific to that level. For comparison purposes, it is necessary to compare to separate reports for other levels, such as the state level.

What are the rows and columns of information/data within this Report?

This report is designed as a grid, with education status in rows and employment status in columns. Column 1 of the report contains row headings and row 1 contains column headings. Below is a description of the content of each section of the report. Refer to a copy of the 2014 State-level report provided in Appendix A.


Total values are found in row 7 and in column16 of this report. Row 7 shows the total number and percent of respondents for each type of employment. For example, column 14 in row 7 shows the total number and percent of respondents who were employed. In the example, 9,347 or 61.0% of total respondents were employed full-time, part-time or for an unknown number of hours per week. You will note that this is the same number shown in row 5 in the "Total" column on the 2014 XO610 report. The percentage shown on this report (XO611) reflects the percentage of total respondents, rather than the percent of those available for work.
Column 16 shows the total number and percent of respondents for each type of continuing education. For example, column 16 in row 5 shows the total number and percent of respondents who were in continuing education. In the example, 11,594 former students or 76.0% of total respondents were continuing their educations in a field that was related, unrelated or of unknown relatedness to their secondary CTE program. This number and percent are the same as shown in row 12 of the "total" column of the 2014 XO610 report.
Row 7, column 16 shows the total number of survey respondents. In the example, 15,328 respondents provided information on former students. This represents 100.0% of respondents. This is the same as the number shown in the "total" column in row 2A on the 2014 XO610 report.
Subtotals* Rows 2, 3, and 4 (related, unrelated, and relatedness unknown) are subcategories of Continuing Education.Employment: Related Employment" Discussion of the total number and percent of students in unrelated employment shown in column 9 is found under the section heading "Employment: Unrelated Employment". Discussion of column 13 is found under the section heading "Employment: Employment – Relatedness Unknown".
The total number and percent of students in continuing education is shown in row 5. Discussion of this total is found under the section heading "Total Continuing Education."


Columns 2-5: Related Employment

Columns 2 through 5 give the number of respondents who were in related employment by education status. For students working in a job related to their CTE program, column 2 shows the number working full-time, column 3 shows the number working part-time and column 4 shows the number working an unknown number of hours. The percent in each cell is based on the total number of respondents. For example, column 5, row 5 shows the number and percent of respondents who were both working in a job related to their CTE program and continuing their educations in a related or unrelated field (2,831 or 18.5% of respondents, in the example). Row 2, column 2 (633, 4.1%) shows the number working full-time as well as continuing their educations in a related field. Row 3, column 2 shows the number working full-time in a related field but continuing education in an unrelated field (61, 0.4%). 711 or 4.6% of survey respondents were both working full-time in a job related to their CTE program and continuing their educations (row 5, column 2). 2,515 or 16.4% (row 2, column 5) of total survey respondents were both working in a job related to their CTE program and continuing their education in a related field.
Column 5 of row 7 (4,121) shows the total number of respondents who were employed in a job related to their CTE program. This value includes all respondents who reported related employment, regardless of whether or not they were continuing their educations, including those whose education status and hours worked were unknown. The percent shown in column 5 of row 7 (26.9%) is the percent of total respondents employed in a job related to their CTE program. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number in related employment (column 5, row 7) by the total number of respondents (given in column 16 of row 7).
Column 2 of row 7 (1,651, 10.8%) shows the total number of respondents who were employed full-time in a field related to their CTE program and column 3 of row 7 (2,394, 15.6%) shows the total number employed part-time in a related field. These numbers match the values in rows 6a and 7a respectively, of the X0610 report. The percentages differ from those shown on the X0610 report because those percentages are based on the number of respondents who were available for work, whereas this percentage is based on the total number of respondents.

Columns 6-9: Unrelated Employment

Columns 6 through 9 give the numbers of respondents who were in unrelated employment by education status. For students working in a job unrelated to their CTE program, column 6 shows the number working full-time, column 7 shows the number working part-time and column 8 shows the number working an unknown number of hours. The percent in each cell is based on the total number of respondents. For example, column 6, row 2 shows the number (139) and percent (0.9%) of respondents who were working full-time in a job unrelated to their CTE program but were continuing their educations in a field of study related to their CTE program. Column 7, row 2 shows the number (893) and percent (5.8%) of total respondents who were working part-time in a job unrelated to their CTE program, but continuing their educations in a field related to their CTE program. Column 9, row 2 shows the number (1,044) and percent (6.8%) of total respondents who were working in a job unrelated to their secondary CTE program but who were continuing their educations in a related area.
Column 9 of row 7 shows the total number (2,361) of respondents who were employed in a job unrelated to their CTE program. This value includes all respondents, regardless of whether or not they were continuing their educations and includes those whose education status was unknown. The percent (15.43%) shown in column 9 of row 7 is the percent of total respondents employed in a job unrelated to their CTE program. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number in unrelated employment (column 9, row 7) by the total number of respondents (given in column 16 of row 7).
Column 6 of row 7 shows the total number (661) of respondents who were employed full-time in a field unrelated to their CTE program and column 7 of row 7 shows the total number (1,671) employed part-time in an unrelated field. These numbers match the values in rows 6b and 7b respectively, of the X0610 report. The percentages differ from those shown on the X0610 report because those percentages are based on the number of respondents who were available for work, whereas this percentage is based on the total number of respondents.

Columns 10-13: Employment – Relatedness Unknown

Columns 10 through 13 show the number and percent of respondents who reported employment, but who did not provide information on relatedness. Since relatedness was measured by asking for the viewpoint of the former student, only former students, not proxy respondents, provided information on relatedness.

Column 14: Total Employment

The total number (9,347) of respondents who were employed is given in column 14 of row 7. This value includes those with unknown hours and/or unknown relatedness. It includes all employed, regardless of education status, including those not continuing their educations or whose education status was unknown. This number is the same as that shown in the "total" column in row 5 of the X0610 report. The percent (61.0%) of respondents, who were employed, either part-time or full-time, in either a related or an unrelated job, is also shown in column 14 of row 7. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number employed (column 14, row 7) by the total number of respondents (given in column 16 of row 7). This percentage differs from the percentage shown on the X0610 report because that percent is based on the number of respondents who were available for work, whereas this percentage is based on the total number of respondents.

Column 15: Not Employed

Column 15 shows the number and percent of respondents who were not employed, by education status. Row 5, column 15 shows the number (5,269) and percent (34.4%) that were not employed but were in continuing education. Row 6, column 15 shows the number (712) and percent (4.6%) who were not employed and who were not in continuing education. This includes both former students who were seeking work and who were not seeking work. The number (5,891) and percent (39.0%) of total respondents who were not employed is shown in row 7, column 15.

Row 7: Employment Status Totals

Row 7 shows the total number and percent for each employment status, regardless of education status.


Row 2: Related Continuing Education

The total number (6,320) of respondents who were in continuing education related to their secondary CTE program is given in row 2 of column16. This value includes students who were not employed or whose employment status was unknown. The percent (41.0%) shown in row 2 of column 16 is the percent of total respondents in continuing education related to their CTE program. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number in continuing education in a related field (row 2, column 16) by the total number of respondents (row 7, column 16). This number is also shown in row 12a of the X0610 report. The percentage on the X0610 report differs because it shows the percentage of student respondents continuing their educations, while this report shows the percent of total respondents.
Columns 2 through 13 of row 2 give the numbers of respondents who were in related continuing education by employment status. The percent in each cell is based on the total number of respondents. For example, row 2, column 5 shows the number (2,515) and percent (16.4%) of total respondents who were both continuing their educations in a field related to their CTE program, and working (full-time or part-time or hours unknown) in a related job.

Row 3: Unrelated Continuing Education

The total number (1,714) of respondents who were continuing their educations in an area unrelated to their secondary CTE program is given in row 3 of column 16. This value includes students who were not employed or whose employment status was unknown. The percent (11.0%) shown in row 3 of column 16 is the percent of total respondents in continuing education unrelated to their CTE program. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number in continuing education in an unrelated field (row 3, column 16) by the total number of respondents (row 7, column 16).
Columns 2 through 13 of row 3 give the numbers of respondents who were in unrelated continuing education by employment status. The percent in each cell is based on the total number of respondents. For example, row 3, column 5 shows the number (281) and percent (1.8%) of total respondents who were continuing their educations in a field unrelated to their CTE program, but working (full-time or part-time or hours unknown) in a job related to their CTE program.

Row 4: Continuing Education – Relatedness unknown

Row 4 shows the number and percent of respondents who reported continuing education, but who did not provide information on relatedness. Since relatedness was measured by asking for the viewpoint of the former student, only former students, not proxy respondents, provided information on relatedness.

Row 5: Total Continuing Education

The number (11,594) and percent (76.0%) of total respondents who were continuing their education is given in row 5, column 16. It includes all continuing their educations, regardless of employment status, including those not employed. The percent shown in row 5 of column 16 is the percent of total respondents continuing their educations. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number continuing their educations (row 5, column 16) by the total number of respondents (row7, column 16). This value and percent are the same as that shown in the "total" column of row 12 of the X0610 report.

Row 6: Not in Continuing Education

Row 6 shows the number and percent of respondents who were not in continuing education, by employment status. In the example, a total of 3,734 or 24.0% of respondents were not in continuing education (row 6, column 16).

Column 16: Education Status Totals

Column 16 shows the total number and percent for each education status, regardless of employment status.


Both Employed and Continuing Education

The number of students who were both employed and continuing their educations is given in row 5 of column14. This value includes those for whom the relatedness of the continuing education and/or employment was unknown and those for whom the number of hours worked were unknown. It does not include those for whom either continuing education status was unknown or for whom employment status was unknown.
The percent shown in row 5, column 14 is the percent of total respondents who were both employed and continuing their educations. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number both employed and in continuing education (row 5, column 14) by the total number of respondents (row 7, column 16). In the example, 6,325 or 41.3% of respondents were both employed and continuing their educations.
The individual cells between columns 2 through 13 and rows 2 through 4 show a detailed breakdown of the employment and continuing education status of respondents who were both employed and continuing their educations. The percent in each cell is based on the total number of respondents. For example, row 2, column 5 shows the number (2,515) and percent (16.4%) of total respondents who were both employed in a job related to their CTE program and continuing their educations in a field related to their CTE program. Row 2, column 9 shows the number (1,044) and percent (6.8%) who were employed in a job unrelated to their CTE program but who were continuing their educations in a field related to their secondary CTE program. Row 3, column 5 shows the number (281) and percent (1.8%) who were continuing their education in a field unrelated to their secondary CTE program but were currently employed in a job related to the CTE program. Row 4, column 13 shows the number (1,674) and percent (10.9%) of total respondents who were both employed and in continuing education of unknown relatedness to their CTE program.

Neither Employed nor in Continuing Education

The number (712) of respondents who reported that they were neither employed nor continuing their educations is given in row 6 of column 15. This value does not include those for whom either education status or employment status was unknown. The percent (4.6%) shown in row 6, column 15 is the percent of total respondents who were neither employed nor continuing their education. The percent is calculated by dividing the total number neither employed nor in continuing education (row 6, column 15) by the total number of respondents (row 7, column 16). This value includes both those seeking work and not seeking work.
Total Placement Total placement ("Total" column in row 3 of the X0610 report) is calculated by taking the difference between the total number of respondents (row 7, column 16 of the X0611 report) and the number not in continuing education/not employed.
For example, in 2014, you would take the following cell total (not employed/not in continuing education):

  • Row 6, column 15: not continuing education/not employed = 712

Take the difference of the above sum and the "Total" (row 7, column 16) to determine "Total Placement." (E.g., 15,328 –712 = 14,616)


X0611 (2014)

XO611 Report